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Text File | 1993-03-03 | 1.2 KB | 39 lines | [TEXT/MACA] |
- asdf ;lkj fdsa jkl; fgf jhj ded kik
- ded kik fgf jhj asdf fdsa ;lkj jkl;
- frf fgf frf fgf frf ftf frf ftf
- juj jhj juj jhj juj jyj juj jyj
- a s d f g asdf fgf frf ftf frf fgf
- ; l k j h ;lkj jhj juj jyj juj jhj
- frf ftf juj jyj frf ftf juj jyj
- ded frf ded frf kik juj kik juj
- ded frf ftf fgf kik juj jyj jhj
- frf juj fgf frf jhj juj frf juj
- frf ftf frf juj jyj juj fgf jhj
- a s d f fgf asdf ; l k j jhj ;lkj
- as sd df fgf ;l lk kj jhj frf juj
- This is a tiger street.
- Rest the first day.
- The street is a ride.
- The large jars are ragged; here.
- They are at the Hills.
- They try; stay here; shall they?
- The rest is fudge; as it is theirs.
- There is theirs. Here is hers.
- Hither is the stirred skill.
- Gather the rest; hit this lad.
- asdf ;lkj fgf jhj frf juj fgf jhj
- fgf frf jhj juj frf ftf juj jyj
- frf ftf juj jyj fgf jhj ded kik
- ded frf ftf fgf kik juj jyj jhj
- fdsa asdf jkl; ;lkj frf juj ftf jyj
- frf ftf juj jyj fgf jhj frf juj
- This is all flakes; it is flakey.
- The gist is the kiss at the field?
- A tryst is his; he is hers at rest.
- Drakes are all the slashers are;
- grist fills it; they did the rest.
- A jest at the rest ere he left.
- This glides; they hide; she rides.
- The girth at first is littered.
- Shall they just heat it fast?